Saturday, 27 June 2015

The Effects

This time, I am very pissed at father. He is showing that he is too independent of himself which makes him more stubborn whenever he doesn't like the things that I told him to do. Can you imagine, like you are very patient with someone till a moment of time, you want to lose it. Yes, that is how I feel. So basically, father barely doesn't listen to my advice. He doesn't even know how much effort did I put in to take of him at home and the fact that his current condition is affecting his lifestyle. I don't know if I would to feel pity, sad or even angry for what he done to me. His current condition had made him lose control of his bowel which make his brain not being able to control his own body. And worse still, he keep giving excuses when I told him to wear diapers which makes him not understand that I'm the one who keep cleaning up after his mess. In the end, father eventually wear the diapers after the whole situation.

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